"sticks   and    stones   will           break     my     bones     but     WORDS     will      never, ever,   ever,  ever,  ever,  ever,  ...they'll never hurt me."

No, you're not going crazy! At least, I don't think you are.  But we hear voices, don't we?  Voices that are not at all pleasant.  Don't you wish you could get out a gun and shoot those who are screaming, whispering, taunting, at times following you around your day? 

Some people spend a lot of time and energy sitting down chatting with a therapist and I am not at all knocking this!  For there is great benefit in telling your story and sorting out your life and realizing, perhaps, that a dominating mother may not need to consume your thoughts and life anymore!  Or you don't need to live to reverse the words of an angry father's outburst.  The Word says that how a person thinks, that is how they live.  So true, no?  But you may not be feeling like calling a Shrink today and still maybe feeling, taunted, attacked, or even defeated.

Good news, and you may need to be reminded of this.  Check this out:

Who dare accuse us whom God has chosen for his own?  Will God?  No!  He is the one who has given us right standing with himself.  Who then shall condemn us?  Will Christ Jesus?  No, for he is the one who died for us and was raised to life for us and is sitting at the place of highest honor next to God pleading for us.  Romans 8:33-34

Today, will you be careful who you listen to?  The One who stood at the Gate longing for you to return home is not unhappy with you.  The Father loves you.  The Son, who died, who was raised and is sitting, praying for you... He is still moving on your behalf.  Can you hear His voice today?  He is calling out your name to the Father.  Are you going through some hard things, are you struggling?  No one is accusing you. Jesus is praying for you, listen, you might hear Him.  What is He saying to you?


"While he was a long way off..." Luke 15

This is how it describes the scene before the Father embarrasses himself. This is how it describes the picture before the Father grabs his robe and runs, which in this culture you did not do unless you were in battle. This is how it describes the afternoon when he was almost done for the day, but the Father was still waiting, still watching, at the gate, longing for the return of the one who had broken his heart.   Way down the road, still way off, he could barely see something, but He knew it was him. He knew it was His son and so it began.

Don't rush the story. Don't get to the good part yet. Are you longing? Are you standing there waiting until you feel like your heart is going to break? Has someone walked out on your life and broken your heart and you know that they are making choices that could land them in far worse places than a pig pen? Know this, in the longing and praying and waiting, there is a Father standing with you, longing and praying and waiting with you this very moment. He does not turn to leave and go in until you do. And tomorrow He returns with you to long and pray and wait again until way down the road you both see something. For He is after something more than the waiting.

Commit everything you do to the LORD, Trust Him, and He will help you. Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for Him to act. Psalm 37:5,7

Today, be encouraged in the waiting, though your heart feels it is about to break. He sees and knows and is very involved in each detail bringing it all where it needs to be. He is hurting, too, longing for things to change. Remember, He is at the gate waiting and longing with you. You are not alone.